Helltown Inc. "This Too Shall Pass" Cassette (Purveyors Arm Of Distribution)
Second edition pressing by Purveyors Arm Of Distribution. Recycled C90 cassette packaged in standard norelco case.
Originally released by Sound of Pig (cassette SOP 167) 1988
Edward J. Vodka - voices, tape treatments, loops, discovered sounds, rhythms
Brian SET - instrument & effect use, tape treatment, loops, contribution
Guest voice on "Oh, The Sweet" Yanna Trance (Courtesy of SST / Blast First)
"Stolen Words" from the cassette "Piper in the Woods" (1987) Greg Rickman, interview with Phillip K. Dick
Recorded at RECESS STUDIO, Astoria, Queens
Engineered by John Gill
Produced by EJ Vodka & John Gill